Packaged Insolvency Solutions – Summary Page

Close Down Liquidation

Close Down Liquidation

If your Company is insolvent and needs to be placed into Liquidation but you have no assets or debtors then we can understand the reluctance to personally fund a Liquidation.  Therefore, as our overheads are low, we are pleased to offer a close down liquidation solution which could see your Liquidation being dealt with for a little as £3,500 plus VAT.  For more information go to our Close Down Liquidation page.

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CVA Get Out

If you are currently in a CVA but believe it to be failing or it has been miss-sold and you wish to get out of the CVA then we offer an advice service which informs you on how best this can be done.  This is often done through an Administration or Liquidation and therefore for more advice in this regard, visit out CVA Get Out page.

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CVA Propose

CVA Propose

CVA Propose is a bespoke package offered by us to insolvent companies whereby a CVA proposal is given to the creditors of an insolvent company with a view to placing the company into a Company Voluntary Arrangement.  This service can be provided to you for as little as £3,000 plus VAT meaning Bridge Newland are one of the cheapest for CVA services.

Company Voluntary Arrangements formally offer continuity, control and time to insolvent Companies therefore this modern approach gives complete transparency to Directors regarding the initial costs.  Once the CVA is approved, the Supervisor’s costs for the administration of the case will then be drawn from the realisations made.  For more details go to our CVA Propose page.

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Petition Adjournments

Petition Adjournments

If your Company has been served with a Winding up Petition then Bridge Newland Limited can seek an adjournment of this petition of between 35 and 65 days for as little as £350 plus VAT (plus the petitioning creditor’s costs if applicable).  For more adjournment of a Winding up Petition advice, go to our Petition Adjournments page.

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Pre Pack Administration

Pre Pack Administration

If you have a Company which appears to be insolvent but it has assets or ongoing contracts which you would like to continue with then the chances are, a Pre Pack Administration may be right for you.  The Pre Pack process is one which allows the old company to be closed and a new one to be opened and ran going forward whereby the new company acts as a purchaser of the business and assets. A fair price must be paid but it negotiated before the Administrator’s appointment then completed either immediately upon his appointment or shortly thereafter.  For more details on pre-packs visit our Pre Pack Administration page.

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Restart Liquidation

If your Company is insolvent and you need to place it into Liquidation but you wish to set up a new Company and buy back the assets then this is possible providing a fair value is paid and there is intent to defraud creditors.  This is often referred to as a Phoenix Company Liquidation.  However, it should be noted that there are also some restrictions regarding the use of a same or similar name to that of the insolvent Company and therefore further details should be requested from us in this regard.

Our restart Liquidation package is a solution which enables our fees to be drawn from the realisations made from the sale of the assets and therefore not on top of the amounts paid to buy back the assets.  Our staff are extremely experienced in offering these types of phoenix Liquidation and therefore should you feel that this situation applies to you either contact us for more advice or visit our Restart Liquidation page for more details.

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