Wellingborough Insolvency Practitioners, Liquidation Specialists

Bridge Newland are insolvency practitioners, who are licensed to offer solvent restructuring advice, formal insolvency processes (such as Insolvent Liquidation, Administrations (including Pre-Packs), and CVA’s) to individuals and companies in Wellingborough. We also offer general advisory services such as business recovery support and debt advice. All initial advice is at no cost.

Our experienced staff are experts in almost all professions, as we regularly work with clients in the key industries (such as manufacturing, retail, printing, recruitment, logistics, public houses and textiles) and given our family set up, we offer a unique personal approach that most clients prefer.

Our aim is to offer a cheap and quick solution to clients to help them face their own financial issues head on, in this difficult economy.

Together with our extensive network of business partners and support advisers, our primary goal is turnaround in business and to avoid insolvency wherever possible, but if options are limited, our licensed insolvency practitioner will undertake all formal insolvency processes if required.


Insolvency Practitioners for Wellingborough

Our office west of Wellingborough regularly works for clients in the area and can arrange a meeting at your premises or a suitable location for no cost, in order to get you the advice you need, fast.

Unfortunately we have found that the majority of people who experience debt issues can bury their head in the sand, leaving their issues for too long. This can often lead to greater debt and more issues in the long run and therefore a concerted effort is made to get client to get advice early as this can be the difference between success and failure.

Pre Pack Administration Advice, Wellingborough

Do you have an interest in buying back your assets from your insolvent company? if so then an Administration with a pre packaged sale may be the best process for your Company.

If you want to find out more about a pre pack administration, Bridge Newland generally, or if you believe that you need a licensed insolvency practitioner but are unsure on your options, then please call 0800 612 6197 to arrange a consultation or fill out our contact us form by clicking the below button.


Latest News

Liquidation: Who gets paid first?

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Administration vs liquidation: Understanding the differences

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Insolvency and restructuring: Understanding the process

Insolvency and restructuring: Understanding the process If a business experiences financial difficulties, insolvency and restructuring can help with the recovery of the business. As a stressful time, it can be tempting to ignore the problem, but this will only lead...

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